Contagious Car Commercials

The Volkswagen Superbowl Commercial Will Bring a Smile to Your Face

Though many tend to suffer from the dreaded Monday blues, the Volkswagen Superbowl commercial shows you the one guy whose happiness cannot be wavered.

The commercial, which takes place in a typical office, shows one man who takes on a rastafarian, go-lucky persona, which is greatly contrasted by his mostly disgruntled colleagues. Rather then dwelling over small inconveniences such as getting a sticky bun stuck in the vending machine, the man responds by saying such slogans, which take influence from Bob Marley songs such as 'don't worry, be happy.' The end of the commercial lets you see that it was the car, which greatly affects his happy mood.

Though the commercial is questionable in terms of its re-enactment of the rasta culture, the Volkswagen Superbowl commercial still offers up an entertaining and light-hearted way to sell its updated Beetle car.
Trend Themes
1. Feel-good Car Commercials - Creating emotionally uplifting commercials that focus on happiness and positivity can increase brand recognition and consumer engagement.
2. Incorporating Music in Advertising - Using popular songs and artists in advertisements can increase consumer appeal and brand recognition.
3. Humorous Advertisements - Humor can be an effective tool in creating brand recognition and increasing consumer engagement with products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Car manufacturers can capitalize on emotionally uplifting commercials to set their brands apart and appeal to consumers who value positive messaging in advertising.
2. Music - The music industry can find new revenue streams through partnerships with brands to use their music in advertisements.
3. Marketing - Marketers can focus on creating humorous and uplifting advertisements to increase consumer engagement with products and services.

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