Baseball Auto Ads

This Volkswagen Passat Advertisement Touts the Car’s Durability

Take the age old game of catch between a son and his father, add a twist and you’ve got the new Volkswagen Passat advertisement.

On a summer day, a father stands on the front lawn with his son playing catch, or at least trying. The commercial starts with his son fishing the baseball out of the bushes. The father offers a few tips on how to throw the ball properly and the son fires the ball right into the ground. As it rolls by the father, his blue Volkswagen Passat is seen parked in the driveway.

Although the father sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, he uncorks a horrible throw of his own and all respect is lost. The ad concludes by pointing out the durability of the car makes it something the son will appreciate being passed down (unlike his father’s baseball skills).
Trend Themes
1. Game-based Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore incorporating interactive and engaging game mechanics into advertisements to capture consumer attention and create memorable experiences.
2. Emotional Storytelling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize emotionally resonant narratives in advertisements to connect with consumers on a deeper level and foster brand loyalty.
3. Legacy Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Position products or services as inheritable legacies to target consumer desire for long-lasting and durable possessions.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate durability and longevity messaging into car advertisements to appeal to consumers seeking reliable and long-lasting vehicles.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with unconventional storytelling techniques and interactive elements in advertisements to break through consumer ad fatigue.
3. Sports & Recreation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore partnerships between sports brands and advertisers to create unique and engaging cross-promotional campaigns that capture the attention of sports enthusiasts.

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