RVs with Carports

The Volkner RV Garage Lets You Stow Your Car

Volkner Mobile, a German RV maker, has found a way to put a garage into its latest RVs. The only catch is that the RV can only accomodate lower car styles, like the BMW Z4 or Mercedes-SLK. Oh Gizmo puts it best, "If buying an RV of this caliber is well within your financial means then odds are you don’t want to be hauling some low-price, tow-friendly family sedan for taking day trips while on your vacation."
Trend Themes
1. Rv-garage Integration - Integrated garages in RVs provide a convenient solution for travelers to stow their cars during vacations.
2. Luxury RV Travel - RVs with carports cater to affluent travelers looking for high-end amenities and convenience.
3. Customization for High-end Vehicles - RV makers could capitalize on the niche market of RVs specifically designed to accommodate luxury car models.
Industry Implications
1. Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing - RV manufacturers can explore the integration of garages in their designs to cater to the needs of car-owning travelers.
2. Luxury Travel and Tourism - Luxury travel companies can offer RV vacations with carports as a high-end alternative to traditional luxury accommodations.
3. Automotive Aftermarket - Companies in the automotive aftermarket industry could develop specialized carport kits or customization services for RV owners wanting to store their high-end cars during vacations.

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