Zesty Latin Lookbooks

Viva la Revolucion by Nicole Bentley Makes Spicy Summer Spreads

The March 2011 issue of Vogue Australia features Viva la Revolucion by Nicole Bentley, which appeals to those in summer heat and hearkens to spice of Autumn style.

Pulling from Mexican inspiration for riotous colors and vibrant hues, these seasoned spreads incorporate a lively urban environment alongside fiery fashion. Decked out in a variety of flavorful outfits, Alina Baikova makes Viva la Revolucion by Nicole Bentley a style insurgence.
Trend Themes
1. Riotous Colors - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a line of vibrant and eye-catching clothing items that cater to the growing demand for bold and colorful fashion choices.
2. Spicy Style - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of fashion accessories or makeup products that incorporate warm and fiery tones, inspired by the popularity of spicy Autumn style.
3. Lively Urban Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce a collection of clothing that combines urban aesthetics with vibrant and energetic designs, reflecting the appeal of a lively urban environment.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new materials and production techniques to create clothing that represents the riotous colors and spicy style featured in the article, aligning with consumer preferences.
2. Beauty - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a range of makeup products that feature warm and fiery tones, allowing consumers to incorporate the spicy style of Autumn into their everyday beauty routines.
3. Urban Lifestyle - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build a brand that offers a complete urban fashion experience, connecting with consumers who seek lively and vibrant fashion choices that reflect their urban lifestyles.

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