Abstract Urban Photography

Photographer Vittorio Ciccarelli Captures Vibrant Blue Sky Scenes

There is beauty all around us, as Vittorio Ciccarelli shows the world through the medium of photography. He shoots the everyday in such a way that the scenes become as breathtaking as a sunset or the Mona Lisa. From lampposts to buildings and smokestacks, Vittorio Ciccarelli is able to single out attributes of his subjects to create a sort of abstract artwork with them.

Based in Naples, Italy, Vittorio Ciccarelli's sunny series is titled 'Invisible.' It is as though he is bringing to light the qualities that people's eyes often glaze over when viewing things they see on a daily basis, things that are invisible to them. Full of vibrant colors, the photos are absolutely mesmerizing.
Trend Themes
1. Abstract Urban Photography - The trend of urban photography that emphasizes unique perspectives and abstract interpretations of everyday scenes presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in photo editing and AR technology for enhanced visual experiences.
2. Everyday Beauty - The trend of appreciating the beauty in the ordinary can be leveraged by companies to create disruptive innovations in product design, packaging, and marketing strategies that highlight the extraordinary in everyday items.
3. Invisible Qualities - The trend of capturing the invisible qualities of everyday objects can inspire disruptive innovations in augmented reality applications that highlight hidden attributes of products or services.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can leverage the trend in abstract urban photography to offer innovative photo editing and post-production services that cater to clients seeking unique and artistic perspectives of their everyday surroundings.
2. Product Design - The trend of appreciating everyday beauty presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies in the product design industry to create consumer products that highlight the beauty in the ordinary and offer unique visual experiences.
3. Augmented Reality - The trend of capturing invisible qualities through photography can inspire innovative applications of augmented reality technology that highlight hidden attributes of products or services.

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