Pain-Distracting Games

This Game for Burn Victims is an Example of Virtual Reality in Health

This otter-centric game is just one application of virtual reality in health, and more specifically the management of pain. The snowy virtual world in the game is supposed to be therapeutic for burn victims and reduce their physical pain. From FirstHand Technology, DeepStream VR introduced a game simply called 'Cool!' that distracts patients while medical professionals treat their burns. The immersive first-person game features an otter companion in an icy atmosphere. This came in particularly handy when patients had their wounds cleaned or had skin grafts done.

Virtual reality in health care was first seen with Afghanistan veterans and treating their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The gaming technology indicates how medical care could be revolutionized moving forwards.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Pain Management - Virtual reality technology is being used to alleviate physical pain in medical patients through immersive gaming experiences.
2. Therapeutic Gaming - The use of gaming technology to aid in the treatment of medical conditions through distraction and immersion is increasing in popularity.
3. VR Health Applications - Virtual reality technology is being applied in a variety of ways within the healthcare industry, including pain management and mental health treatment.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Healthcare providers are integrating virtual reality technology into patient treatment plans to improve pain management and overall patient care.
2. Gaming - The development of therapeutic games for medical patients presents opportunities for gaming companies to enter the healthcare market and collaborate with medical professionals.
3. Tech - Virtual reality technology presents a disruptive innovation opportunity within the tech sector as it can be applied to various industries, including healthcare and entertainment.

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