Lifestyle-Led Pill Packaging

The New Viagra Packaging Serves to Reinvent the Iconic Brand

Design firm Pearlfisher recently took on the task of updating the original Viagra packaging. Although Viagra has always been targeted towards older men, Pfizer recently came to the realization that it is image-conscious young men who are actually the brand's true audience. In order to make the product more attractive to a younger demographic, the company decided to reinvent the brand and its packaging.

The new Viagra packaging is designed to convey the confidence of an aspirational and performance-conscious young man. Part of this involves creating a package that would allow for immediacy and quick consumption. The designers achieved this feat through the use of a perforated opening at the bottom of the box. The packaging itself draws inspiration from the brand's iconic blue color and the familiar triangle shape of the Viagra pill. The new design ultimately offers a fresh take on these features with lifestyle-led graphics.

The rebranding of Viagra demonstrates how pharmaceutical products can be updated to appeal to contemporary consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Pharmaceutical Rebranding - The rebranding of pharmaceutical products like Viagra can help appeal to contemporary consumers.
2. Lifestyle-led Packaging - Packaging designs that incorporate lifestyle-led graphics can attract a younger demographic.
3. Immediacy and Quick Consumption - Packaging with features like perforated openings can provide immediacy and convenience for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceutical - The pharmaceutical industry can explore rebranding opportunities to better attract younger consumers.
2. Packaging Design - Design firms can incorporate lifestyle-led graphics into their packaging designs to target specific demographics.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can explore packaging innovations that provide quick and convenient consumption experiences.

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