Surreal Vertical Dancing

Waltz on the Walls is a Performance Captured by GoPro Hero

As companies and brands continue to market their product and services through experiences rather than traditional commercials, performances such as surreal vertical dancing are shared with the world. Bandaloop dancers Amelia Rudolph and Roel Seeber star in the vertical dancing viral video, defying gravity as they leap and bound across the walls of akland’s 18-story City Hall building.

Captured during the Art + Soul Festival, the vertical dancing routine looks like something straight out of the 'Matrix' or even 'Inception.' All perspective is strikingly shifted to afford viewers a unique glance at what vertical dancing entails. Dubbed 'Waltz on the Walls of City Hall,' performance brings a little magic to people's day. Of course, all that it took to execute such a show was a couple of trained dancers and secure harnesses.
Trend Themes
1. Experiential Marketing - As companies and brands continue to market their product and services through experiences rather than traditional commercials, surreal vertical dancing is an example of creating a memorable experience for the audience.
2. Performance Art - Surreal vertical dancing shows the potential of exploring performing arts in new and unconventional spaces, such as on the walls of buildings.
3. Immersive Entertainment - The unique perspective provided by the surreal vertical dancing video creates an immersive entertainment experience for viewers, which could lead to new opportunities in film and virtual reality or augmented reality (VR/AR) experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The surreal vertical dancing video shows the potential to push the boundaries of traditional entertainment and create engaging experiences that blur the line between reality and fantasy.
2. Tourism - Surreal vertical dancing can be used as a way to attract more tourists to a city or destination by showcasing unique experiences that visitors can participate in or observe.
3. Technology - The use of GoPro cameras to capture the surreal vertical dancing routine highlights the potential for technology to enhance and create new forms of art and entertainment.

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