Elegant Feral Repackaging

Pepsi Commissioned Vern Yip to Stylize the New Diet Pepsi Can

Interior designer Vern Yip has been commissioned by Pepsi to redesign the new Diet Pepsi can. The redesign has been exceptionally stylized and is very spring appropriate.

The artists has chosen to incorporate an elegant peacock theme to the can’s design and made it look more regal than ever been seen before. The can still sports Pepsi’s signature colors of grey and dusk blue, but is patterned entirely with peacock feathers topped with a peacock head placed underneath the Pepsi logo.

This oriental and feminine-looking can is sure to grasp attention from onlookers and create strong applause.

This offering will be a part of the ongoing 'Love Every Sip' campaign the brand launched last year.
Trend Themes
1. Elegant Repackaging - The redesign of the Diet Pepsi can with an elegant peacock theme creates an opportunity for other beverage companies to explore more sophisticated packaging designs.
2. Brand Collaboration - The collaboration between Pepsi and interior designer Vern Yip highlights the trend of collaborating with artists and designers to create unique packaging experiences, inspiring other brands to seek similar partnerships.
3. Seasonal Branding - The spring-inspired design of the new Diet Pepsi can demonstrates the potential for brands to leverage seasonal themes and graphics to create limited-edition packaging that resonates with consumers during specific times of the year.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Packaging - The elegant and stylized redesign of the Diet Pepsi can presents an opportunity for the beverage packaging industry to explore more creative and visually appealing designs that elevate brand perception.
2. Interior Design - The collaboration between Pepsi and interior designer Vern Yip showcases opportunities for the interior design industry to expand its reach and influence by collaborating with brands to create unique packaging and branding experiences.
3. Seasonal Marketing - The spring-themed design of the Diet Pepsi can demonstrates the potential for the marketing industry to leverage seasonal branding strategies and limited-edition packaging to generate consumer excitement and engagement.

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