Fake Vandalism

Vegemite Guerrilla Ads

I hate Vegemite, but I do love their new guerrilla campaign. The ads feature fake vandalism with cricket balls appearing to be smashed through car windows and bus station ads, with the tag line, "Looks like the Aussies had their Vegemite today."

The live campaign was featured in different locations are the city during a cricket tournament at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

The creative ads for the Australian version of Marmite come from JWT Melbourne. The Kraft product is promoted as a healthy sandwich spread rich in Vitamin B.
Trend Themes
1. Guerrilla Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore unconventional advertising methods to create buzz and engagement.
2. Viral Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Harness the power of social media and online platforms to create viral campaigns that reach a wider audience.
3. Authentic Branding - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Focus on building a genuine and relatable brand that resonates with your target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative and healthy food products that cater to changing consumer preferences.
2. Advertising & Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace new advertising techniques and platforms to effectively reach and engage the target market.
3. Sports & Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate creative marketing tactics into sporting events and entertainment experiences to enhance brand visibility.

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