Coffee-Brewing Electric Vehicles

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The Vauxhall MOKKA COFFE-E Has Two Coffee Machines Inside

The Vauxhall MOKKA COFFE-E electric vehicle concept has been shown off by the brand as a transportation solution that will provide drivers with the ability to create a high-quality cup of java anywhere they go.

The vehicle is equipped with two coffee machines that are suited for use with ground coffee and pods alike to help drivers create an array of drinks from anywhere. The setup in the trunk also includes a milk steamer, coffee grinder, knock box and a fridge to maximize the ability to create an array of barista-grade drinks. The vehicle itself boasts a 115kW electric motor with a 54kWh battery, which is rated for 252-miles of range.

The Vauxhall MOKKA COFFE-E electric vehicle concept is a one-off creation, but is likely to be ogled by avid java drinkers alike.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Coffee Shops - Transforming vehicles into mobile coffee shops brings premium barista-grade coffee to on-the-go consumers, merging convenience with quality.
2. Integrated Appliance Automobiles - Cars engineered with integrated appliances, like coffee machines and fridges, elevate vehicle functionality, creating multi-purpose transportation solutions.
3. Battery-powered Hospitality - Electric vehicles designed with additional hospitality features offer sustainable and efficient traveling cafes, reducing the carbon footprint of traditional coffee shops.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can capitalize on the inclusion of lifestyle amenities to enhance vehicle appeal and market differentiation.
2. Coffee - The coffee industry benefits from new distribution channels that bring gourmet coffee experiences directly to consumers on the move.
3. Hospitality - Innovations in the hospitality industry now include mobile solutions that offer luxury services in non-traditional, sustainable formats, such as electric vehicles.

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