Deceptive Moving Van Ads

Renault Master's Latest Ads Feature Physics-Bending Rollable Furniture

This line of clever van ads frame Renault Master's vans as ideal for moving furniture and large heavy objects that can't be folded, rolled or packed up neatly. With the slogan, "Because you can't adapt everything," the ads emphasize that not all items can be packed and transported in a regular sized car.

The series of three print ads feature photographs of large inflexible objects being conveniently and unrealistically rolled up into a tube. The mind-bending images show an antique mirror, a thick wooden door and even a long slab of cement rolling up neatly into themselves.

Using humor and sarcasm as an advertising strategy, this series of print van ads does a great job of catching the viewer's attention and framing the somewhat outdated vans as necessary vehicles.
Trend Themes
1. Humorous Advertising - Using humor and sarcasm in advertising, as Renault Master has, can be an effective way to catch the viewer's attention.
2. Niche Transportation Solutions - Ads that cater to the needs of a specific group or industry, such as moving furniture, can create opportunities for niche transportation solutions.
3. Alternative Packing Solutions - The emphasis on the fact that not all items can be packed in a regular car highlights the need for alternative packing solutions for larger or more cumbersome items.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The print ads showcase the utility of Renault Master's vans for moving furniture and other heavy, non-packable objects, making the transportation industry a target for disruptive innovation.
2. Advertising - The humorous tone of the ads presents the advertisement industry with a disruptive opportunity to create original and engaging ads through humor and sarcasm.
3. Furniture - The ads focus on moving furniture, which could lead to innovative ways to make the transportation of large furniture items easier, faster, and more efficient in the furniture industry.

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