Smartphone usage reached new highs as consumers spend countless hours each day using their device, so the 'Unphone' productivity app is a new way to help them taper off their use.
The app works by having users join in on hourly challenges to see who can hold out the longest with not using their device. At the end of the hour, the participants who didn't use their device will split money with other winners that they wagered into a pool. This brings a little of tangibility into the mix by putting a competitive spin onto the process to help increase the likelihood that users will properly compete with one another.
The 'Unphone' productivity app can work well for those who are finding their focus level has decreased because of smartphone use.
Anti-Smartphone Productivity Apps
'Unphone' Has Users Compete to See Who Doesn't Use Their Device
Trend Themes
1. Productivity Challenge Apps - Opportunity for developing new productivity apps that utilize challenges and gamification to help users reduce smartphone usage.
2. Hourly Challenge Wagering - Opportunity to create apps that offer hourly challenges with wagering options to increase competitiveness and engagement of users.
3. Group Productivity Competition - Opportunity to develop productivity apps that allow users to compete with each other in groups to reduce smartphone usage.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Mobile app developers can take advantage of anti-smartphone productivity trend to create new apps that help users reduce smartphone usage.
2. Workplace Productivity Tools - Companies can develop productivity apps that utilize challenges and gamification to help employees reduce smartphone usage and increase focus.
3. E-learning Platforms - Online learning platforms can incorporate productivity challenge apps to help students improve focus and concentration during study sessions.