Scorpion-Shaped Guitars

10 Artistic Axes

If you are bored with your regular, standard-looking guitar, you may enjoy this array of bizarre and unusual instruments assembled by as part of its collection of unorthodox guitars.

The diverse group of guitars range from a rifle guitar called a escopetarra (a combination of the words escopeta and guitarra--the Spanish words for 'rifle' and 'guitar,' respectively) to a foot guitar and a guitar patterned in the form of a coffin.

There are also guitars with reptile motifs, racecars, nude women and just about everything under the sun. Who knew guitars could be so very bizarre?
Trend Themes
1. Unusual Musical Instruments - The creation and manufacturing of unique instruments that create new sounds and expand the traditional role of musical instruments.
2. Artistic Guitars - The use of unique materials and designs to add visual appeal and create a more personalized experience for musicians.
3. Crossover Instruments - The combination of two or more musical instruments or genres to create a new sound and attract a wider audience.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - Exploring new methods of producing and marketing musical instruments and accessories.
2. Artistic Design Industry - Creating unique and eye-catching designs for musical instruments to cater to the preferences of different musicians.
3. Entertainment Industry - Using unusual and innovative musical instruments and sounds to add value to live performances and recordings.

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