'Turemetal' launched its 'Turemetal UP7' fanless custom PC case for users in the United States. This is an ITX form factor case that lists official support for Intel chipset motherboards, but will likely support similarly-sized AMD chipset motherboards as well. Given that this is an ITX form factor, it does technically support discrete GPUs up to 370mm in length. However, with its default fanless configuration, it only supports up to 100w of heat dissipation, meaning it could only accept low-power GPUs without additional cooling. However, the company recommends using GPUs with fan-stop technology, as this will result in the PC still being completely quiet under light loads.
The UP7 supports regular ATX power supplies for convenience, however fanless power supplies can get quite expensive, meaning fan noise from the PSU may be present under load. As for the CPU support, with 100W of thermal cooling potential, even i5 or Ryzen 5 processors will be cooled with generous headroom, as these processors typically cap out around 65W of heat generation.
The UP7 ships to U.S.A, China, Korea, Japan, France, and the U.K at prices that vary between $249 USD to $299 USD based on location.
Zero-Noise Mid-Size Computers
Turemetal's 'UP7' Dissipates up to 100W of Heat Without Fans
Trend Themes
1. Fanless PC Cases - The 'Turemetal UP7' introduces a fanless PC case that dissipates up to 100W of heat without fans, opening up opportunities for noise-free computing.
2. ITX Form Factor - The 'Turemetal UP7' features an ITX form factor, enabling support for compact motherboards and the potential for disruptive innovation in small form factor computing.
3. GPU Fan-stop Technology - The 'Turemetal UP7' recommends GPUs with fan-stop technology, allowing for a completely quiet PC under light loads and highlighting the potential for innovation in silent computing.
Industry Implications
1. PC Components - The introduction of fanless PC cases like the 'Turemetal UP7' has the potential to disrupt the PC components industry, offering noise-free alternatives for cooling systems.
2. Computer Manufacturing - The 'Turemetal UP7' and similar fanless PC cases could drive disruptive innovation in computer manufacturing by promoting compact and silent computing solutions.
3. Graphics Cards - The recommendation for GPUs with fan-stop technology in the 'Turemetal UP7' highlights potential disruption opportunities in the graphics card industry, focusing on silent performance and energy efficiency.