Motion-Sensitive Gaming of the Future

Sixense TrueMotion 3D

The new wave of motion-sensitive games may have made Wii a household name, but now they have stiff competition from Sixense. The company has queue-jumped with their brand-spanking newborn system that they call TrueMotion 3D.

This system that doesn't just rely on an accelerometer, it also has a controlled magnetic field that can track the position of both of your hands in a 3D space.

This is the next generation of gaming.

Implications - In today's society, individuals relish in products featuring DIY qualities. Such products offer relief to the sense of helplessness and lack of control experienced by so many after the recent economic recession. Highly interactive products will likely see very large returns.
Trend Themes
1. Motion-sensitive Gaming - The rise of motion-sensitive gaming offers disruptive innovation opportunities for the gaming industry to create more immersive gaming experiences.
2. Truemotion 3D System - Sixense's TrueMotion 3D system, which tracks the position of both hands in a 3D space using a controlled magnetic field, creates opportunities for further development of 3D motion-tracking technology in various industries.
3. Highly Interactive Products - The demand for highly interactive products with DIY qualities presents opportunities for companies to create new products and experiences that empower consumers and provide a sense of control.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - The gaming industry can innovate by creating more advanced motion-sensitive gaming systems, leading the way in developing immersive virtual reality experiences.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry can develop and improve upon 3D motion-tracking technology with applications in gaming, virtual reality, and other fields.
3. Consumer Products Industry - The demand for highly interactive products presents opportunities for the consumer products industry to create new products and experiences that empower consumers and provide a sense of control, such as home automation systems.

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