The age of autocorrect is truly becoming more and more prevalent as Trace 2.0 shows. The original Trace app made the art of drawing more social. It allowed a variety of visually creative individuals to critique and be critique. Psfk explains that it comes "complete with analytics of who is viewing your work, and how."
Still targeting designers, architects, photographers, animators and more, the Trace 2.0 app is decked out with even more functionality. Most notably is the filter feature that works similarly to the pre-established filters on Instagram. Co-creator Anna Kenoff states, "Similar to the revolution in digital photography that allowed us to [choose] the film after the photo was taken; trace 2.0 repositions the medium within the drawing process."
The Trace 2.0 app was created by Morpholio. It is now available for purchase.
Instagram-Inspired Drawing Apps
Trace 2.0 by Morpholio Adds Filters on Existing Artworks
Trend Themes
1. Social Drawing Apps - Developing social drawing apps that allow users to share and critique artwork digitally.
2. Filter Features - Incorporating filter features in drawing apps to enhance creativity and allow artists to experiment with different styles.
3. Analytics for Artwork Viewing - Implementing analytics in drawing apps to provide artists with insights on who views their work and how it is perceived.
Industry Implications
1. Design - The design industry can explore the opportunities of integrating social drawing apps and filter features into their creative processes.
2. Architecture - The architecture industry can benefit from social drawing apps that facilitate collaboration and feedback among architects and designers.
3. Photography - The photography industry can utilize filter features in drawing apps to experiment with different editing styles and create unique visual content.