Peeing on Patrons

Tenants Above Delicatessen Seek Revenge

There has been a stream of criticism raining down on the hoity-toity NoLita restaurant called Delicatessen.

A guy who had been draining the lizard out his window has taken things into his own hands, so to speak, representing those who live above the glass ceiling eatery.

The patrons really don’t appreciate the tinkle on the ceiling, but the apartment dwellers are upset as the restaurant has been a real whiz, causing lots of noise. 

The ultramodern Delicatessen offers international comfort food and service extending from breakfast through the late night.
Trend Themes
1. Noise Pollution Complaints - An opportunity to create products or services that mitigate noise pollution caused by restaurants.
2. Smart Building Technologies - Using smart building technologies to monitor and control excessive noise from restaurants.
3. Public Urination Monitoring - Implementing technology to monitor and prevent public urination.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant Industry - Restaurants can benefit from innovative solutions that monitor and mitigate noise pollution.
2. Real Estate Industry - Real estate managers can use smart building technologies to address noise complaints by tenants.
3. Smart City Industry - Smart cities can utilize technology to prevent public urination and improve city cleanliness.

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