Fur-Covered Timepieces

The Touch Clock's Hands are Covered in a Mop of Fur

The Touch Clock was designed with intimacy in mind, requiring users to get close in order to determine the time.

More often than not, clocks are designed with the intention of blending subtly into the background, serving as an unobtrusive time piece in one's home. To combat this, designer Jana Lukčová created the Touch Clock -- a fur-covered clock that requires interaction with its user. Available in multiple colors and styles, this wood-mounted time piece, contains large clock hands underneath a mop of fur. To find the position of the clock's hands, users must grab the device, which creates a multi-sensory experience for the user, with the added benefit of creating an emotional bond between the consumer and the object.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Design - Designers can explore incorporating interactive elements into their products to create a more engaging and emotional user experience.
2. Multisensory Experiences - Brands can leverage the power of multiple senses to create immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression on consumers.
3. Emotional Design - Designers can focus on creating products that evoke emotions and establish a stronger connection between consumers and their possessions.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - In the home decor industry, brands can experiment with unique and unconventional designs to offer consumers products that stand out and create a sense of intimacy.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore incorporating playful and unconventional elements, like fur-covered timepieces, to create unique and attention-grabbing accessories that appeal to consumers' desire for self-expression.
3. Product Design - Designers and manufacturers can look into integrating tactile and interactive features into their products to enhance usability and create a more intimate connection between users and their possessions.

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