Alternative Art Forms

Tooth Fairy Carvings (On Real Teeth!)

Cordelia Cembrowicz, from Bristol, is an artist who carved tooth fairies from children's milk teeth. Using a specially adapted drill, a rotary cutter and magnifying glass, she spends about almost 20 hours to carve a tooth.

Implications - According to Cordelia Cembrowicz herself, she first "realized what a powerful material" teeth are when she held her own baby teeth in her hand. The first thing she thought of was the Tooth Fairy and how she was a mythical figure who represented the ideas of "sanctuary and reward". As a result, all of her teeth artworks pay tribute to this cherished childhood personality and her benevolent role in helping children see the bright side of an otherwise painful process.
Trend Themes
1. Tooth Fairy Art - Creating art from children's milk teeth presents an innovative and unique form of expression.
2. Personalized Carvings - Carving personalized tooth fairies from individual teeth offers a tailor-made art experience.
3. Mythical Tribute Art - Paying tribute to childhood mythology through tooth carvings provides a nostalgic and enchanting art form.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Sculpture - Artists and sculptors can explore tooth carvings as a new medium to showcase their creativity.
2. Dentistry and Oral Health - Dental professionals can collaborate with artists to create unique tooth fairy carvings as a way to promote oral health and dental awareness.
3. Children's Products and Collectibles - Tooth fairy art can inspire the creation of collectibles and keepsakes for children, tapping into the nostalgia market.

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