Avant-Garde Geocessories

The TomTom Jewelry Spring 2010 Collection has Sci-Fi Appeal

Although I'm more influenced by the past rather than the future in regards to fashion, I have to admit that the TomTom Jewelry Spring 2010 collection is making me reconsider my accessory choices. These avant-garde accessories are statement pieces that can spruce up any outfit--and would be interesting to pair with my rather Victorian-esque wardrobe.

Yet, I can detect a bit of a retro streak in the TomTom Jewelry Spring 2010 collection as well: a sort of 80s-inspired look, don't you think? Using 18k gold, oxidized silver and gunmetal, however, designer Elena Coleman most likely tapped into her architecture background opposed to anything else.
Trend Themes
1. Avant-garde Accessories - Exploiting futuristic design elements, there is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the accessories industry by creating statement pieces that push the boundaries of traditional fashion.
2. Retro-inspired Fashion - By incorporating 80s-inspired aesthetics into their collections, fashion brands can tap into nostalgia and target consumers who are seeking a throwback look with a modern twist.
3. Materials Innovation - Companies can disrupt the jewelry industry by experimenting with unconventional materials, such as 18k gold, oxidized silver, and gunmetal, to create unique and eye-catching designs.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - The fashion accessories industry can benefit from disruptive innovation by embracing avant-garde designs and pushing the boundaries of traditional accessories.
2. Fashion - Incorporating retro-inspired aesthetics can create disruptive innovation opportunities within the fashion industry, targeting consumers looking for a blend of nostalgia and contemporary style.
3. Jewelry - By exploring new material options like 18k gold, oxidized silver, and gunmetal, the jewelry industry can disrupt traditional designs and capture the attention of fashion-forward consumers.

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