Stitched Subway Systems

Tomofumi Yoshida Sews a Public Transit Map into an Arduino Mega Shield

It is hard to imagine what a little embroidery thread and a little bit of gadgetry will get you, but artist Tomofumi Yoshida has taken that challenge on in full. His stitched subway system was crafted with an Arduino MEGA shield that lights up and represents the Tokyo transit map.

Electronic embroidery is a great new artistry that promotes creativity and cultivates a different skill not normally used in creating art. To create any of these art pieces, you need to combine traditional embroidery techniques with a few electronic components. Tomofumi Yoshida's creative craft combines the artistic skill needed to create and embroider, while his more mathematical skills come in handy to make sure the Arduino MEGA shield lights up.
Trend Themes
1. Electronic Embroidery - This trend combines traditional embroidery techniques with electronic components, opening up new possibilities for creative expression.
2. Art-tech Fusion - The fusion of art and technology, like Tomofumi Yoshida's stitched subway system, creates unique and innovative artworks.
3. Skill Diversification - The combination of artistic and mathematical skills, as demonstrated by Yoshida, highlights the potential for professionals to diversify their skill sets.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore the integration of electronic components into traditional art practices.
2. Textile and Fashion - In the textile and fashion industry, electronic embroidery could revolutionize the way fabrics are embellished and customized.
3. Education and Training - The education and training sector can incorporate electronic embroidery as a skill development opportunity, bridging art and technology.

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