Illusionary Animal Protection Ads

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These Ads Test You to Find Hidden Images of Threatened Species

These adds created for the WWF by Dubai-based ad agency TBWA\RAAD will probably make you dizzy before you spot the hidden threatened species.

These ads are optical illusions that force you to stare into the black and white images, praying that you find the image of the animals before your eyes fall out. That is the full purpose of these ads -- to make people stop, think and really question each animal's existence.

The sad reality is that there is not enough attention focused on raising awareness of threatened species. These ads are a brilliant attempt to force people to think long and hard about species like the sea turtles, hummingbirds and polar bears. These ads take a literal approach to the issue of animal extinction by specifically stating "The sumatrian tiger is becoming harder to see. Take action and help us to protect it."
Trend Themes
1. Optical Illusion Advertising - Creating ads that use optical illusions to captivate viewers and deliver impactful messages, forcing them to think and question important issues.
2. Raising Awareness of Threatened Species - Developing creative approaches to raise attention and educate the public about the existence and preservation of endangered animals.
3. Literal Messaging in Advertising - Utilizing direct and explicit statements to communicate the urgency and importance of taking action to protect threatened species.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising industry can leverage optical illusions to create eye-catching campaigns that effectively communicate important messages and evoke strong emotions.
2. Conservation and Wildlife Organizations - Conservation and wildlife organizations can utilize creative approaches like illusionary ads to generate public awareness and support for the protection of threatened species.
3. Environmental Education and Advocacy - The field of environmental education and advocacy can employ literal messaging in advertising to drive home the urgent need for individuals and society to take action to protect endangered animals and ecosystems.

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