The Ultimate Self-Adjusting Office Chair
The Ultimate Self-Adjusting Office Chair
The idea of this chair come from the Scottish radiologists, which confirmed in a study last year that a 130-degree angle of recline between torso and thighs reduces pressure on the discs in the lower back. This office chair is more comfortable than the famous Aeron chair (ergonomic office chair by Herman Miller). Designers find that the features of chairs like the levers and knobsâ€"recline tension, lumbar support, seat-pan depth, forward tilt are commonly ignored by users, who only think to change the chair's height.
Trend Themes
1. Ergonomic Office Chairs - The trend of ergonomic office chairs focuses on designing chairs that prioritize comfort and reduce pressure on the lower back.
2. User-centric Design - The trend of user-centric design aims to create office chairs that consider the user's needs and preferences, including adjustable features like recline tension and lumbar support.
3. Scientifically-informed Chair Design - The trend of scientifically-informed chair design takes into consideration research-backed insights, such as the 130-degree angle of recline that reduces pressure on the lower back.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The furniture manufacturing industry can seize the opportunity to develop and produce ergonomic office chairs that meet the demand for comfort and support.
2. Office Solutions - The office solutions industry can explore disruptive innovation opportunities by offering user-centric office chairs with advanced adjustable features.
3. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can capitalize on the trend of scientifically-informed chair design by promoting and collaborating with manufacturers to develop chairs that prioritize spine health.