3-D Virtual Reality

The Third Eye

The Third Eye is a device conceived by Japanese designer Takehito Etani. The contraption, which goes on the head, offers the user a very different and unusual perception from outside his/her body. The devise consists of a one-eyed goggle with a 2-inch LCD monitor and a surveillance camera.

"The visual experience of 'The Third Eye' is similar to that of a 3D video game in which the user controls and follows a given character from behind," notes Takehitoetani.com. "The device turns the user into the character that he/she is controlling and real space is transformed into virtual space."

The video shows a person with the device mounted on their head walking through Times Square in New York City. The guy looks a bit like a Borg from Star Trek but the experiment looks very interesting.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality - The Third Eye device offers a unique virtual reality experience that can be applied to various industries.
2. Augmented Reality - Augmented reality technologies could be used to enhance the user's experience with The Third Eye.
3. Wearable Technology - The Third Eye is an example of wearable technology that enhances the user's perception of reality.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The Third Eye could revolutionize the gaming industry by providing a more immersive and interactive experience.
2. Travel and Tourism - In the travel industry, The Third Eye could be utilized to offer virtual tours and experiences to potential customers.
3. Security and Surveillance - The Third Eye's surveillance capabilities could be leveraged in the security industry for monitoring and surveillance purposes.

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