With the holiday season around the corner, Stockland, an Australian-based shopping mall chain, unveiled the short animated film called 'The Story of Dunder.' This heartwarming video tells the story of a forgotten reindeer named Dunder who used to be "awful tight" with Santa "before Rudolph took the spotlight."
The film shows one fateful Christmas Eve when Santa and his team were delivering presents "down under" in Australia when Santa lost all the gifts after a collision with a bird. Luckily, Dunder is able to save the day by suggesting they restock on presents at Stockland -- "the nearest center kind enough to let reindeers enter."
The Story of Dunder commercial captures the spirit of Christmas by creating a classic Christmas tale that cleverly incorporate the shopping mall.
Storytelling Festive Mall Ads
Stockland Launched a Short Film Called 'The Story of Dunder'
Trend Themes
1. Festive Storytelling Ads - Opportunity for brands to evoke emotion and create memorable experiences by incorporating heartwarming stories with their products or services during holiday season.
2. Animated Short Films - Opportunity for brands to use creative and engaging storytelling techniques in the form of animated short films to attract and retain customers amidst rising competition.
3. Brand Integration in Entertainment - Opportunity for brands to leverage entertainment platforms to enhance brand visibility and have a more significant impact on their target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Opportunity for retailers to collaborate with entertainment companies and create unique festive ads to drive holiday sales and customer loyalty.
2. Film and Animation - Opportunity for film and animation industry to create more ads like 'The Story of Dunder' that blend brand advertising with heartwarming storytelling to attract potential customers and generate revenue.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketing agencies to develop more creative and engaging advertising strategies for their clients using animated storytelling techniques and by collaborating with entertainment companies.