Boldly Designed Rentable Apartments

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Linda Boronkay Highlights Boldness for the Sessile

Linda Boronkay has created the design space for The Sessile which is a rentable apartment block in North London. She was previously the design director for Soho House and this was an experience she tapped into when forming the Sesstile. The structure is created by the rental brand Way of Life and it features 310 apartment units in Tottenham Hale. She highlights bold shapes and colors when designing the communal and private areas.

The designer shared her experience with this project, noting "We aren't very used to designing in new build architecture. Most of our projects are in historical heritage buildings and their story and style is an important building block in our design and narrative. At The Sessile, we had to almost ignore the architecture and create a world of our own that you experience as soon as you step inside."
Trend Themes
1. Bold Interior Designs - Embracing bold shapes and colors in rental accommodations challenges conventional design aesthetics.
2. Experiential Living Spaces - Curating a distinct world inside new build architecture enhances the living experience beyond standard housing.
3. Heritage-inspired Modern Designs - Drawing inspiration from historical heritage buildings to create unique, contemporary living environments.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - The trend of bold and expressive design in rental properties offers differentiation in a competitive housing market.
2. Interior Design - Interior design firms can capitalize on creating visually striking living spaces that appeal to modern renters.
3. Architecture - Innovative design approaches within newly constructed buildings present opportunities for architectural firms to redefine urban living.

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