Lexus Asia presents 'The Maverick Academy,' a culinary competition series created with AR Asia Production, soon to premiere on Netflix. This show aims to spotlight rising chefs from regions across Asia, including "the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Hong Kong, showcasing both their culinary skills and business talents." Through this series, Lexus marks its entry into the culinary world, offering a unique opportunity for the winner to gain a mentorship and business partnership with esteemed chef Alvin Leung.
Leung, along with his partner Eric Chong, will "mentor and judge contestants, joined by guest chefs like Pichaya Soontornyanakij, Chudaree Debhakam, Thitid Tassanakajohn, Chalee Kader, and Michael Bonacini." Over five episodes, contestants tackle challenges that emphasize culinary innovation and entrepreneurial resilience. Seamlessly blending culinary arts with automotive luxury, Lexus models appear throughout the series, and the winner will be awarded limited-time ownership of a 'Lexus LBX.'
Automaker-Backed Culinary Shows
Lexus Asia x Netflix Partner for The Maverick Academy Series
Trend Themes
1. Automotive-backed Entertainment - The collaboration between Lexus and Netflix signifies a growing trend of car brands venturing into content creation.
2. Culinary Talent Showcase - By highlighting emerging chefs from diverse regions, 'The Maverick Academy' presents a new way to discover and elevate culinary talents.
3. Multifaceted Brand Collaborations - Lexus's integration of its vehicles into a culinary show signals a trend of multifaceted brand collaborations across unrelated industries.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Automakers like Lexus are exploring cross-industry ventures to diversify their brand presence and appeal.
2. Entertainment Industry - The partnership with Netflix demonstrates the entertainment sector's openness to innovative sponsorships and content partnerships.
3. Culinary Arts Industry - The show puts a spotlight on the potential of the culinary arts to intersect with business mentorship and brand alliance.