80s Punk-Inspired Streetwear

The Hundred Delivers its New Collaboration with Manic Panic

Streetwear giant The Hundred reveals its latest collection which is made in collaboration with Manic Panic as the duo highlight the themes of 80s punk culture. It nods to New York's East Village as sisters Tish and Snooky Bellomo opened the first punk store in America in 1977 with the launch of St. Marks Place. The joint capsule is full of graphic tees, hats, and pullover hoodies.

It is the foundation of what Manic Panic is today, which is an expressive hair dye brand. Speaking about the collaboration and how Manic Panic has been a root of punk culture, co-founder of The Hundreds Bobby Hundreds states, "I’ve always loved the sentiment that, ‘You can’t control the world, but you can control your hair,’" on a blog post.
Trend Themes
1. 80s Punk Culture Streetwear - The trend in 80s punk culture streetwear suggests an opportunity for fashion designers to create unique collections influenced by this era.
2. Collaborations Between Streetwear and Hair Dye Brands - The trend in collaborations between streetwear brands and hair dye companies presents an opportunity for both industries to reach a wider range of consumers by combining creative forces.
3. Incorporation of Graphic Tees, Hats, and Pullover Hoodies in Fashion - The trend in incorporating graphic tees, hats, and pullover hoodies into fashion provides an opportunity for clothing brands to create comfortable yet fashionable clothing options.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry professionals can leverage the 80s punk culture streetwear trend to create unique collections with a wider appeal to consumers.
2. Retail - Retail companies can capitalize on collaborations between streetwear and hair dye brands to bring in more customers and drive sales.
3. Beauty - Beauty and hair dye brands can leverage collaborations with streetwear brands to reach a wider range of consumers and potentially increase brand recognition.

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