Beauty Innovation Contests

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Estée Lauder Launches The Catalysts Program

Estée Lauder launches The Catalysts Program, created by ELC's New Incubation Ventures (NIV). The program is a comprehensive, worldwide effort to highlight, elevate, and support up-and-coming storytellers with new perspectives on the beauty industry.

Individuals can submit their applications online. Successful candidates could receive up to $250,000 in financial support, guidance, and assistance with their projects. A panel of industry leaders, creative thinkers, and TikTok creators will select two winners. These winners will be those who are transforming the future of beauty through original branding, product innovation, and storytelling.

The Catalysts will be hosting ten masterclasses for applicants, providing an overview of "what it takes to build the next great brand." The Catalysts Masterclass series will feature industry-leading founders, storytellers, and creatives who will share their insights on what it takes to build a successful beauty brand.
Trend Themes
1. Story-first Branding - The integration of narrative-driven techniques into branding strategies offers new pathways for emotional engagement with consumers.
2. Crowdsourced Innovation - Leveraging public applications and competitions to source fresh ideas enables brands to discover untapped talent and novel product concepts.
3. Masterclass Education Models - Hosting specialized educational series by industry experts creates a platform for aspiring professionals to gain valuable insights and practical skills.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - The comprehensive support programs for emerging beauty entrepreneurs are setting the stage for innovative product and brand development.
2. Online Education - Virtual masterclasses delivered by leading industry figures provide new educational opportunities in niche professional fields.
3. Social Media & Influencers - Collaboration with TikTok creators and other influencers highlights the expanding role of social media in trendsetting and brand storytelling.

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