Mind Control Levitation Stunts

The Ascent by Yehuda Duenyas Allows People to Float With Thoughts

The Ascent by Yehuda Duyaens is a live action participatory theatrical ride experience that involves mind control and levitation.

Participants are hooked onto a harness and equipped with a technology that’s connected to the mind and feeds off of brainwaves. In order to be hoisted into the air, the subjects must maintain concentration similar to meditators. Once they reach the top, a sound and light show celebrates their success, however, there’s some challenges along the way.

As people attempt to ascend with concentration, a deliberate audio and visual effect stimulation comes into effect in an attempt to distract them. The Ascent is a test to see how well you are able to concentrate under extreme circumstances.

Trend Themes
1. Mind-controlled Experiences - Incorporating mind control technology into experiences such as The Ascent offers a disruptive innovation opportunity for the entertainment industry.
2. Brainwave-connected Tech - Developing technology that can successfully connect with brainwaves, as demonstrated in The Ascent, presents possibilities for the healthcare industry.
3. Meditation as Entertainment - Combining meditation practices with entertainment experiences such as The Ascent contributes to the emerging trend of mental wellness.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The Ascent demonstrates innovative ways to incorporate mind-control technology into entertainment experiences.
2. Healthcare - The successful use of brainwave-connected technology as seen in The Ascent has potential applications in the healthcare industry.
3. Wellness - Incorporating meditation practices, as seen in The Ascent, can contribute to the emerging trend of mental wellness in industries such as hospitality and travel.

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