Battle-Style Art Events

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Secret Walls Relaunches its 'The Art of Competition' Tour

Secret Walls has relaunched its 'The Art of Competition' tour, featuring art events where artists are organized into teams and provided with art supplies such as Posca paint markers, paint brushes, spray paint, and paint rollers.

These teams work against a large wall canvas for 90 minutes to create their pieces. The competition is energized by audience participation and supported by 'Monster Energy Ultra.' Like formal competitions, winners are determined by a panel of judges and a decibel meter that measures audience reactions.

The tour began with a kickoff event at Secret Walls HQ in Los Angeles on August 14. This event provided VIPs and media with a preview of the art battle experience, including live art demonstrations and hospitality from Monster Energy Ultra. On tour, 'The Art of Competition' will also feature various activities, such as "workshops, artist dinners, and meet-and-greets, aimed at connecting with and inspiring local art communities."
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Art Competitions - Interactive art competitions featuring real-time creation and audience engagement elevate art events beyond traditional gallery experiences.
2. Corporate-sponsored Art Events - Corporate sponsorships from brands like Monster Energy Ultra inject commercial support and enhance the visibility of creative gatherings.
3. Community-centric Art Tours - Art tours that include workshops, artist dinners, and meet-and-greets foster community engagement and support regional art scenes.
Industry Implications
1. Event Management - Event management companies can leverage unique formats like art battles to create immersive and memorable experiences for participants and audiences.
2. Corporate Sponsorship - The corporate sponsorship industry benefits from aligning brands with culturally rich and interactive events to reach diverse audiences.
3. Art Supplies - The art supplies industry finds new growth avenues through partnerships with large-scale live art events that spotlight their products.

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