Taking the best of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Star Wars and rolling them into one, an artist has created the Teenage Mutant Jedi Turtles. Shredder already has his hands full with the reptilian superheroes, and now that they have the force and light sabers too, he doesn’t have a chance.
The Teenage Mutant Jedi Turtles were drawn by Q-DOG2099. His use of neon coloring for both the light sabers and the turtles really accentuates the mutant nature of the heroes. The light saber nunchucks look especially cool, but I’m pretty sure the nature of how nunchucks are used means that Michelangelo would lose an arm.
Maybe with these new recruits who have already proven themselves capable of saving the world, a galaxy far, far away can be saved too.
Neon Reptilian Force Wielders
Teenage Mutant Jedi Turtles Mash Up Sci-Fi Franchises
Trend Themes
1. Sci-fi Franchise Mash-ups - Mashing together established sci-fi franchises to create fresh interpretations and new storylines.
2. Neon Coloring in Fan Art - Using neon colors in fan art to create unique and eye-catching depictions of well-known characters.
3. Weapon Upgrades in Fan Art - Giving iconic characters new weapons in fan art to add excitement and freshen up the source material.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can incorporate aspects of fan art and new interpretations of franchises into their programming.
2. Art and Design - The art and design industry can offer unique services that specialize in neon coloring and weapon upgrades for fan art commissions.
3. Comic Books and Graphic Novels - Publishers can create crossover graphic novels that combine beloved sci-fi franchises, such as the Teenage Mutant Jedi Turtles, in order to appeal to a larger fan base.