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Dripping Bubble Gum Installations

The Ted Lawson 'Mortality is a Myth' Sculpture is Eye-Catching

The Ted Lawson 'Mortality is a Myth' is a human replica sculptural piece that is dripping with creativity. As the founder of the internationally renowned sculpture studio Prototype New York LLC, Lawson's work often mixes traditional sculpting methods with new digital technology.

In this work, Lawson uses Epoxy, Silicone and Urethane in order to recreate the female form. The floating female figure appears to be melting in dripping in bright pink bubble-gum.

As Lawson's website describes his work as a, "working process in an exploration into the human existential experience through imagined models of the universe as pure physical form." Ted Lawson 'Mortality is a Myth' is a conceptual piece seems to have the levitating female stuck in purgatory.

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