Robotic Dating App Stunts

This SXSW Tinder Marketing Stunt Used a Hot Robot to Promote Ex Machina

This SXSW Tinder marketing stunt sneakily and effectively made use of the popular dating and hookup app to promote Ex Machina, an artificial intelligence thriller directed by Alex Garland and starring Swedish heartthrob Alicia Vikander.

Over the course of the weekend, many Tinder users found themselves swiping right upon encountering the profile of a gorgeous 25-year-old woman named Ava. Users who swiped right then engaged in a conversation with Ava, who asked them questions such as "Have you ever been in love?" and "What makes you human?" before eventually sharing a link to her Instagram page, which revealed her identity as an artificial intelligence creation -- as is the case in the movie -- and the nature of the SXSW Tinder marketing stunt.

While some Tinder users may have felt like their hearts and minds were cruelly toyed with, Ava will have you know that all's fair in love, war and marketing.
Trend Themes
1. AI Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunities include utilizing artificial intelligence to create personalized marketing experiences.
2. Interactive Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunities include leveraging dating apps and other interactive platforms to engage consumers in unique advertising campaigns.
3. Promotion Partnerships - Disruptive innovation opportunities include partnering with popular movies or events to create immersive promotional experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Film - Disruptive innovation opportunities include using creative marketing techniques to generate buzz and increase ticket sales for movie releases.
2. Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunities include integrating artificial intelligence into marketing strategies and platforms.
3. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunities include pushing the boundaries of traditional marketing tactics to captivate audiences and create memorable experiences.

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