Swiss Glamour Camping Kit

Have All Your Neccesities In One Place

There are things that make me think: i want those! Then there are things that take your breath away, and without thinking you look for the order button. The Swiss Glamour Camping Kit is one of these, made by Urban Decay together with Paul Frank (first is well known for its good quality cosmetics, latter is for its great designs).

And just to make sure you know what you MUST take with you on your holidays this summer: it contains 125 dollars worth of cosmetic goodies, like eyeliners, pencils, brushes, eye shadows, lip gloss, over-sized sunglasses, a matching case, and obviously, a mirror. And probably their heart and soul.
Trend Themes
1. Glamour Camping - Opportunity for companies to create luxury camping experiences with high-end amenities and products.
2. Cosmetic Kits - Potential for brands to collaborate and create comprehensive cosmetic kits for specific occasions or themes.
3. Collaborative Design - Innovative partnerships between cosmetic and fashion brands to create unique and aesthetically pleasing products.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can incorporate glamour camping as a premium experience for luxury travelers.
2. Cosmetics - Cosmetic brands can explore the development of themed cosmetic kits to cater to specific customer preferences and needs.
3. Fashion - Fashion brands can collaborate with cosmetic companies to design and produce unique and stylish cosmetic accessories.

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