Up-and-comer Sang-Hoon Lee is a young industrial designer specializing in Design Management and 3-D modeling.
Based in Seoul, South Korea, the designer’s latest work is a modernized version of the old childhood, and still some grown-up’s, favorite, the time honored swing.
Although we have seen a few incarnations of the swinging concept being tailored more to the "too big for the playground" crowd, this piece offers style and substance.
Implications - These are the type of products that are designed to appeal to older people who consider themselves young at heart, and wouldn't mind being that "cool friend with the adult swingset" in their backyard.
Playground-Inspired Seating
The Swing Bench Lets Adults Play Like Children Again
Trend Themes
1. Playground-inspired Seating - Designing modern playground-inspired seating can cater to adults who are looking for childlike experiences.
2. Grown-up Playground Equipment - Creating modular playground equipment that caters to adults can revolutionize the leisure industry.
3. Outdoor Living Spaces - Incorporating playful designs into outdoor furniture can create a unique selling point for products targeting homeowners.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Manufacturers can leverage playground-inspired furniture designs as a unique tool to attract a wider clientele demographic.
2. Leisure and Entertainment - Designers can create customized leisure and entertainment experiences for adults using playground-inspired products that cater to their inner child.
3. Architecture and Landscaping - The incorporation of playful designs in landscape architecture can attract a new clientele demographic for public spaces.