Surreal Fashion Illustrations

Isabella Kelly-Ramirez Creates Layered and Exaggerated Collages

Isabella Kelly-Ramirez creates surreal fashion illustrations using fragments of found images. After layering a variety of portraits together to create collages, the artist's finished works are chic and conceptual to say the least.

Isabella experiments with vibrant hues and often gives her collages oversized features, sculptural tresses and whimsical outfits that are reminiscent of those designed by iconic couturiers like Christian Dior and Hubert de Givenchy.

Based in Santa Barbara California, Isabella Kelly-Ramirez is a UCLA graduate who draws inspiration from popular culture. The artist is known to reference bright cosmetics and textures in her works and manages to create fashion illustrations that are unlike the traditional style sketch. Her photo collages are nostalgic and will captivate their viewer while celebrating fashion's element of whimsy.
Trend Themes
1. Layered Fashion Illustrations - Exploring the use of layered images in fashion illustrations presents an opportunity for innovative and unique designs.
2. Exaggerated Fashion Collages - Creating fashion collages with exaggerated features opens up possibilities for unconventional and eye-catching designs.
3. Whimsical Fashion Illustrations - Embracing whimsy in fashion illustrations allows for playful and imaginative interpretations of style.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Fashion designers can incorporate layered techniques to disrupt traditional fashion sketches and create original and captivating designs.
2. Art and Illustration - Artists and illustrators can explore the use of exaggerated features in their collages to create visually striking and unconventional artworks.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Brands and advertisers can leverage whimsical fashion illustrations to create attention-grabbing and memorable campaigns.

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