Candid Summer Photography

The Disposable Summer Series Shows Summer from 25 Different Viewpoints

Indie photographer Ryan Biegen's latest image series, entitled Disposable Summer, captures the essence of the season with summer photography captured by 25 different artists from Brooklyn. The series features aspects of summer as shown from 25 vastly different perspectives showcased in a collection of candid images.

The illustrations highlight young love, getting into trouble, serene landscapes and late nights contrasted to early morning sunsets captured in technicolor hazy film photos. The images are quite striking and each offers a different narrative for the viewer to explore. As for the choice of using film rather than digital Biegen says, "Most of the time what you think will be a good shot ends up awful, and what you think will be awful, ends up as magic. Disposable cameras have a funny way of doing that; their quirky nature lends to unexpected, often unintended, results."
Trend Themes
1. Disposable Camera Renaissance - Disposable cameras are making a comeback for a unique nostalgic experience in modern photography.
2. Collaborative Artistic Projects - Artists from different backgrounds and styles are coming together to form creative collectives to showcase their talents.
3. Candid Summer Photography - Unposed and authentic summer photographs continue to be a popular trend in photography as they capture the essence of this season.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disposable film cameras offer a new opportunity for photographers and companies to provide a unique and authentic user experience that embraces the unexpected results of film photography.
2. Art - Collaborative projects that bring together artists from different backgrounds and styles can produce new and exciting artwork that embodies different perspectives and voices.
3. Fashion - Candid summer photography can be used in fashion marketing campaigns to showcase authentic moments that connect with consumers and promote a lifestyle rather than just a product.

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