Old-Fashioned Photography Apps

The 'Strut Type' App for iPhone is Reminiscent of a Simpler Time

The 'Strut Type' App for iPhone allows users to take photos with an old-time look. Not simply a black and white app, the app actually transforms your photos to something you would find in your grandparents' attic.

Created by Ultimate Chemistry Inc. the Strut Type App for iPhone is available through iTunes for $1.99. With retro and vintages styles coming back and becoming all the rage for many, the Strut Type App is simply another way in which customers can celebrate the past.

Having the unique and innovative ability to make the present look like the past, the Strut Type App has made photo development ridiculously easy. Used like any other camera app, you simply point and shoot -- the most amateur of photographers could create a masterpiece on this sweet new app.
Trend Themes
1. Retro Camera Apps - Apps like 'Strut Type' create an opportunity for the development of more retro camera apps that transform modern photos into vintage ones.
2. Nostalgia Products - The popularity of 'Strut Type' suggests a growing market for products that evoke nostalgia and remind people of the past.
3. Simplified Photography Tools - The ease-of-use and affordability of apps like 'Strut Type' suggest an opportunity for simplified photography tools that appeal to amateur photographers.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The success of 'Strut Type' and other retro camera apps suggests a need for more mobile app development in the photography space.
2. E-commerce - The popularity of nostalgia products like 'Strut Type' presents an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to sell vintage-style products and accessories.
3. Consumer Electronics - The growing market for simplified photography tools suggests a need for innovation in the consumer electronics space, particularly in the development of user-friendly cameras and accessories.

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