If you're someone who eats when they're sad, mad or stressed, the stress busting bra could help limit the amount of bad food you put into your body during these times.
This bra doesn't come with your average push-up pads; instead, the pad is sensored to measure someone's electrocardiogram (EKG). Since a bra sits close to the heart, the sensor can pick up on the heart's rate. The information detected from the sensor is displayed on a smartphone to let the person know if their heart rate is up due to stress.
While this stress busting bra can make women aware of when they're eating due to negative situations, the bra probably shouldn't be worn at work since it has to be charged every four hours.
Indulgment Sensoring Lingerie
This Stress Busting Bra Detects When the Wearer Eats Too Much
Trend Themes
1. Stress-sensing Wearables - Opportunity to develop wearable technology that detects and monitors stress levels in real-time.
2. Emotion-based Eating Prevention - Potential to create products and services that help individuals control emotional or stress-induced eating habits.
3. Connected Clothing - Disruptive innovation opportunity in the development of garments that integrate sensors and connect to smartphones for data analysis.
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Technology - The wearable technology industry can explore opportunities for developing stress-sensing devices and smart clothing.
2. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can leverage emotion-based eating prevention products and services to promote healthy lifestyle habits.
3. Fashion and Apparel - The fashion and apparel industry can embrace connected clothing and design garments that integrate technology for added functionality.