Literature Dispensing Machines

This Short Story Vending Machine Positions Books as Yummy Snacks

This idea for a short story vending machine challenges the notion of literature by positioning great reads as tasty snacks. Designed and conceived by Philadelphia publishing firm The Head and the Hand Press in partnership with vending machine company NaVar, the Chapbook Vending Machine allows consumers to purchase short stories for $2 USD. The literary picks were from The Head and the Hand Press's 'Bigger than a Breadbox Short Story Contest.'

According to the machine's co-founder Nic Esposito, these two industries have found an interesting way to work together by providing easy access to books while also offering vending machines content that buyers won't feel guilty indulging in. The short story vending machine will be unveiled at Elixr Coffee in Philadelphia on December 5th.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Vending Machines - The idea of creating vending machines that offer more than just food allows businesses to tap into new markets and disrupt the traditional vending industry.
2. Rebranding Traditional Products - By positioning literature as a snack, companies are able to rebrand traditional products and target audiences in a new way, creating a unique and disruptive marketing opportunity.
3. Digital Publishing - Elevating literature's accessibility, vending machines make it easier and more convenient to purchase stories on-the-go, disrupting the traditional publishing process.
Industry Implications
1. Vending Machines - By targeting a new audience, vending machine companies can expand into new markets and provide innovative product offerings beyond traditional snacks.
2. Publishing - Using vending machines as a distribution platform assists in promoting creative works, enabling the publishing industry to find new and unconventional ways to monetize content.
3. Coffee Shops - By providing customers access to literature in addition to their regular coffee orders, coffee shops are not only rebranding the traditional bookstore, but creating a unique selling feature that attracts new and existing customers.

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