Box-Stitched Sneakers

These Sneakers Feature Unconventional Asymmetrical Designs

NikeLab has released new pairs of stitched sneakers that are part of the 'Air Footscape Woven' collection.

Called the 'Air Footscape Woven Rainbow,' the shoes come in two different colors -- a black and a pale brown. The shoes feature square box stitching along the sides that consist of fabrics colored in blues, maroons, reds and purples. The laces of these stitched sneakers are partially hidden and veer off to the side rather than having a vertical design -- allowing the shoes to function as slip-ons rather than something to unlace, place on the feet and then tie up.

This unconventional Nike sneaker design stays true to the company's motto that blends fashionable and practical elements.
Trend Themes
1. Asymmetrical Designs - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the footwear industry by exploring unique and unconventional designs.
2. Hidden Laces - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the shoe manufacturing industry through the development of slip-on designs with hidden laces.
3. Box Stitching - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the textile industry by incorporating square box stitching as a distinctive design element.
Industry Implications
1. Footwear - The footwear industry can explore new design possibilities by incorporating asymmetrical designs and hidden laces.
2. Shoe Manufacturing - Shoe manufacturers can experiment with slip-on designs that utilize hidden laces for enhanced convenience and aesthetics.
3. Textile - The textile industry has the potential to innovate by incorporating box stitching as a unique design feature in various products.

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