Flying Beast Jewelry

Improbablecog 3-D Printed Stainless Steel Wing Earrings

These stainless steel wing earrings, designed by Seattle artist Noah Beasley, are 3-D printed by Shapeways and sold in Beasley's 'improbablecog' Etsy shop and directly from Shapeways.

In addition to stainless steel wing earrings, improbablecog offers tendril earrings in steampunk stainless steel or colorful laser-sintered Nylon plastic. The stainless steel 'spine' earrings are rumored to have been modeled after some (possibly extinct) sea creature.

Implications - The jewelry has a medieval feel to it that may make images of dragons and knights come to mind. The intricate collection features patterns of trees, flowers and wings. The dragon-like jewelry is definitely different and comes in mostly silver colors, but can also be found in bright green and blue.
Trend Themes
1. 3-D Printed Jewelry - Exploring the possibilities of 3-D printing technology in the jewelry industry.
2. Steampunk Fashion - Embracing the aesthetic of steampunk in fashion and accessories.
3. Nature-inspired Jewelry - Drawing inspiration from natural elements and incorporating them into jewelry designs.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - Exploring innovative materials and manufacturing methods to create unique and intricate jewelry designs.
2. Fashion - Identifying opportunities to incorporate steampunk elements into fashion trends and designs.
3. Art - Encouraging artists to draw inspiration from nature and create nature-inspired artworks, including jewelry.

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