Robot Facility Mapping

Ford Will Use Two Spot Robots Fro Boston Dynamics to Map a Facility

Ford announced that it will use Spot Robots, created by Boston Dynamics, in order to assess its Michigan manufacturing facility. The two Spot Robots that will be used are named Fluffy and Spot, and both have five cameras to complete 360-degree scans. The scans will help the company map the facility and provide engineers with updated models. The robots will have a Chandler, however in the future could be remotely controlled.

Previously Ford used tripods to map the facility, however, the use of robots can streamline the process. Mark Goderis, the digital engineering manager for the automotive company, spoke about the new process, "Scanning one plant could take two weeks. With Fluffy’s help, we are able to do it in half the time."
Trend Themes
1. Robotic Facility Mapping - Opportunity for businesses to utilize robots for efficient and accurate facility mapping, reducing time and resources.
2. Autonomous Robots in Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation potential lies in incorporating autonomous robots like Spot Robots into manufacturing processes for increased efficiency and productivity.
3. Remote Controlled Robots - Advancement in remote control technology could open doors for remotely operated robots to perform complex tasks in various industries, increasing accessibility and flexibility.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Manufacturing - Automotive manufacturers can adopt robotic facility mapping to streamline processes and enhance productivity in their manufacturing plants.
2. Robotics - The robotics industry has an opportunity to develop and provide advanced robots for facility mapping and other manufacturing applications.
3. Construction - The construction industry can benefit from the use of autonomous robots for efficient and accurate mapping of construction sites, improving project planning and execution.

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