Digital Neuromarketing Start-Ups

Sorter Uses Neuropsychological Data to Inform Its Clients

Sorter is an ATDC Accelerate neuromarketing software start-up based out of Atlanta and New York City that is revolutionizing the marketing industry using psychological data -- making it easier for digital teams to scale their strategies.

A new field of commercial marketing, neuromarketing utilizes different technologies to better understand the brain’s responses to specific stimuli. This helps marketers to get a better understanding of consumer behavior, and use this information to inform how they position a brand, its packaging, and so much more. With the proper application of neuromarketing technologies, marketers can greatly increase their efficiency, as they’re able to cut down on a lot of the trial and error that tends to come with more traditional practices. Sorter has gone a step further, building its own data science and AI-driven platform that is able to analyze and segment marketing lists by categorizing them by personality type. With this information, it is then able to make recommendations to marketers, based on the principles of neuromarketing.

As the emerging field takes off, Sorter is helping to streamline the use of different technologies for its clients, as it partners with academics to gain more insight, increase conversions, and help the next generation of digital brands connect with their consumers more closely than ever before.
Trend Themes
1. Neuromarketing Technologies - Innovative companies can develop and market neuromarketing technologies that help businesses understand consumer behavior for better marketing strategies.
2. Data Science and AI-driven Marketing - Businesses can leverage advanced data analytics and AI technologies to inform marketing strategies, personalize customer experience and enhance business growth.
3. Personality-based Segmentation - Companies can segment their marketing lists by personality type and use neuropsychological data to make effective recommendations for marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising companies can make use of neuromarketing technologies and AI-driven platforms to develop targeted campaigns that effectively reach their target audience.
2. AI and Data Analytics - Businesses involved in AI technology and data analytics can partner with neuromarketing companies to develop more sophisticated algorithms that aid in the analysis and interpretation of consumer behavior.
3. Psychology and Neuroscience Research - Companies involved in psychology and neuroscience research can collaborate with neuromarketing companies to gain more insight into consumer preferences and behavior and provide valuable data for effective marketing strategies.

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