Global Data-Providing Devices

The Somewear Global Hotspot Uses Satellites to Provide Data Service

Designed for the tech-focused outdoor explorer, the Somewear Global Hotspot keeps users connected to friends and family anywhere in the world. The device works by connecting a user's phone to satellite networks allowing for 100% global coverage. Connection to a smartphone is handled through Bluetooth LE and the Somewear Global Hotspot is currently available for iPhone or Android devices. Iridium's satellite network is used to pair the phone to communication networks and allows for coverage around the world.

The Somewear Global Hotspot currently supports SMS text messaging, can alert on local weather conditions, allows for the download of local GPS maps and can share the user's location. In the event of an emergency, the device can send out an SOS signal, which is monitored 24/7 by GEOS Worldwide. In addition to technological features, the Somewear Global Hotspot also sports a shockproof and waterproof body.
Trend Themes
1. Global Data-providing Devices - The ability to stay connected anywhere in the world through satellite networks creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in communication technology.
2. Satellite Network Communication - The use of satellite networks for communication creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in various industries such as outdoor exploration, emergency response, and global travel.
3. GPS Integration - Integration of GPS technology to satellite networks creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in outdoor recreation, travel, and logistics industries.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Recreation - The Somewear Global Hotspot creates disruptive opportunities for outdoor recreation businesses to offer remote locations and exploration to more people due to enhanced communication capabilities.
2. Emergency Response - The device offers disruptive opportunities for emergency response industries to quickly and easily transmit location data and SOS signals from anywhere in the world.
3. Global Travel - With the Somewear Global Hotspot, the global travel industry can provide more reassurance and services to travelers to stay connected, even in remote areas, and enable new opportunities in the tourism and transportation sectors.

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