The Snowjob Chair by Emiliano Godoy is a modern piece of furniture with an odd name and an incredibly shiny exterior.
Built with FSC wood with an organice finish, the Snowjob Chair by Emiliano Godo gets its distinct sheen from being wrapped in a material known as 'Ecoist,' which is made from discarded candy wrappers. In addition to being eco friendly, however, the chair can be flat-packed for easy and convenient storage at whim.Photo Credits: designboom, godoylab
Candy Wrapper Chairs
The Snowjob Chair by Emilano Godoy is a Brilliant Recycled Furniture Piece
Trend Themes
1. Recycled Furniture - The Snowjob Chair demonstrates the trend of using discarded materials to create innovative and eco-friendly furniture.
2. Flat-packed Furniture - The Snowjob Chair showcases the trend of furniture that can be easily disassembled and stored, offering convenience and flexibility.
3. Eco-friendly Design - The use of candy wrappers in the Snowjob Chair reflects the trend of incorporating sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials in product design.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The Snowjob Chair presents an opportunity for furniture manufacturers to explore the production of recycled furniture using innovative materials.
2. Home Decor - The trend of flat-packed furniture opens up opportunities for home decor companies to offer space-saving and convenient furniture solutions to consumers.
3. Sustainable Packaging - The use of candy wrappers in the Snowjob Chair suggests potential disruptive innovations in the sustainable packaging industry, creating new uses for discarded materials.