Hip-Hop Cannabis Portraiture

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Jason Mecier Hashes Out an Incredible Snoop Dog Marijuana Design

Jason Mecier pays homage to one of hip hops finest with the new Snoop Dog Marijuana Portrait.

The talented artist has been known to make use of junk items and this time, he's using material quite reflective of his subject: weed. Mecier's Snoop Dog Marijuana Portrait is made entirely out of marijuana joints, leaves, stems and what appears to be hashish. The backdrop is surrounded by rolled up joints, while Snoop himself is immortalized in a wonderful green to gain the attention of Snoop fans everywhere. It's unsure whether or not Mecier got a marijuana permit to make this design, but at least it's creative. Here's to hoping this innovative portrait remains on the right side of the law longer than Snoop.
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis Art - The intersection of marijuana culture and artistic expression provides opportunities for innovative cannabis-infused art pieces.
2. Sustainable Art - The use of junk items and recycled materials for artistic expression offers opportunities for sustainable and eco-friendly artwork.
3. Celebrity Art - The use of popular figures in art pieces offers opportunities for unique and highly marketable celebrity-inspired artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - The growing cannabis industry can utilize cannabis-infused art pieces to complement their branding and increase their appeal to customers.
2. Art Industry - The art world can take advantage of the sustainable and eco-friendly trend in artwork to promote themselves as socially responsible entities.
3. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can explore the celebrity art trend to promote their stars and extend their outreach beyond traditional means such as film or music.

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