Smartwatch Battery Bands

The wipowerband Proposes to Extend the Apple Watch Battery Life

The Apple Watch hasn't been out on the market for a week yet and there are already accessories popping up to 'improve' its capabilities and features; wipowerband is an extra smartwatch battery that does just that. Addressing the fact that people will want to be able to charge their Apple Watch on the go in order to use it non-stop throughout the day, this smartwatch battery is essentially a high-density polymer case that is meant to deliver that extra boost.

Supposedly doubling the battery life of the Apple Watch, The Verge nevertheless points out that that's "a fact seemingly not backed up by any actual tests with an actual Apple Watch, but by 'estimates.'" Fairly affordable, it comes in different colors, which allows a bit of customization for the consumer as well.
Trend Themes
1. Smartwatch Accessories - Opportunity to develop innovative accessories that enhance the capabilities and features of smartwatches like the Apple Watch.
2. Extended Battery Life - Opportunity to create technologies or solutions that extend the battery life of smartwatches, addressing the need for non-stop usage.
3. Customizable Accessories - Opportunity to offer customizable options in smartwatch accessories to cater to consumer preferences and personalization.
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunities in developing battery extender accessories for various smartwatches in the market.
2. Consumer Electronics - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating technologies or solutions that improve and extend battery life for various electronic devices, including smartwatches.
3. Fashion and Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunities in offering customizable and stylish smartwatch accessories to cater to the fashion-conscious consumers.

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